RPA Use Cases In Payroll Management

RPA Use Cases In Payroll Management

RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation. RPA is used in the fields and departments where certain repetitive tasks are performed. These tasks are then given to a robot and thus the personnel handling the task can focus on other tasks.

If you are in a payroll department, it is evident that there are certain tasks that are repetitive in nature. Many companies feel that robots belong to manufacturing processes for process automation because that is repetitive. However, Robotic Process Automation in payroll processing is useful and effective since payroll processing and management is repetitive.

The payroll process automation is moving ahead with a lot of paces and has already automated many back-office processes and administrative procedures. In this article, we will look at the RPA Use Cases for payroll processing and management.

1. Contract level Changes:

The employee contracts change as their period is either over or must be renewed. The RPA Use Cases in HR automate the contract level changes which happen in the middle of the month of the year. Also, the contract's compensation is pro-rated as per the positions, perks, and responsibilities.

2. Intermittent Changes to records in the Payroll Department:

There are situations where certain employees get a raise in salary or sometimes an employee changes his address because he moves to a different place. These intermittent changes to the records in the payroll department can be incorporated by the RPA in the HR department.

3. Changes in Payroll Records:

So many changes keep on pouring in monthly or yearly as far as the payroll records are concerned. The bots in RPA can take up the change's bonus, out-of-pocket reimbursement, medical reimbursement, etc. in the payroll.

4. Attendance Management:

RPA in HR and Payroll departments can be handled by RPA robots which can constantly monitor the attendance of the employees of the organization. As soon as an employee takes up more leaves than a limit, his payroll must be deducted to a certain percentage. Such calculations can be automated using RPA. Also, the dates on which the employee’s absence should be marked in the calendar can also be established by RPA bots in the HR department.

5. Verification and Validation Management:

RPA bots can be used to perform the end-of-the-month reconciliations in the payroll records and to conduct periodic audits.

6. Payroll Deductions:

The payroll deductions from an employee’s paycheck include the outgoings towards pensions, travel cards, loans, health policy, and more. This is another RPA use case for payroll processing that automates the process of payroll deduction.

7. Time Entries Validations:

When certain employees work based on hours, the data should be recorded about their presence with budgeted data and a preset frequency. The discrepancies in the records should be informed to the concerned managers through an automatic mailing system.

8. Payroll Administration:

As the monthly payroll cycle is carried out effectively, the RPA bots can auto calculate the tax figures, orphan journal entries, and other year-end procedures. These procedures are done by the bots at the end of every month.

9. Payroll Processing:

Employee satisfaction can be reached only when the payroll is processed at the said time. The RPA use case for payroll processing emphasizes this fact and hence the RPA bots can automate the payroll process to reach this goal.

The job of the RPA bot also includes automated verification of data across the systems, validation of time records, reimbursement calculations, and more. This eliminates any chances of delays, reworks, and errors in the payroll calculations.

10. Handling Resignations:

The RPA bots can automate the settlement of the final payments to be made when an employee resigns. The payments are made using the calculation of the days attended along with other details.

Wrapping Up:

RPA automation is penetrating all the fields of the industry at a growing pace. This article highlights the RPA Use Cases in the Payroll Management and HR departments. This way, the companies that still involve employees for the said job can think about using RPA bots to automate partial or full portions of their departments.t

Source: https://www.zenesys.com/blog/rpa-use-cases-in-payroll-management